Losing weight in the right, healthy manner is nothing short of a challenge. You need to ensure that you don’t compromise on your energy levels and physical health while you shed the flab around your vital organs.
The weight loss process isn’t about cutting down on food, it’s about understanding what kind of food will work in your favor and what will simply add to the existing fat. You exercising to lose weight will have little to no effect if your diet is not in place. Food will always trump exercise.
Let’s find out how low-carb diets can be employed to get a leaner and healthier you.
Understanding a low-carb diet:
For the Standard American Diet, carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for our body. Simple carbs like sugar, provide immediate energy to our bodies and are craved most when your energy levels are down.
Complex carbs, like wheat, take some time to breakdown. They impart the feeling of satiation for longer which curbs your unpredictable hunger pangs to longer cycles, but still create cravings.
When your diet is low in carbs, your body resorts to using fat to meet its energy requirements. This, in turn, reduces your body fat in due course of time. Many authors and scientists now believe that throughout human history this was our main source of energy.
A low-carb diet is quite an effective technique to get rid of the flab and increase muscle mass, because rather than using the energy from carbs, your body will now rely on your fats storages.
What are the benefits of undertaking a low-carb diet?
Reduces abdominal fat:
Abdominal fat is largely made up of visceral fat that accumulates around your vital organs. It leads to metabolic dysfunction and is strongly associated with insulin resistance and inflammation.
With a low-carb diet, you can ensure that your abdominal fat will be greatly reduced thereby suppressing the fat accumulation around your belly.
Decreases your appetite:
On a low carb diet your body will not crave for more carbs and gets used to getting energy from fat. You will use the fat already in your body for energy, therefore hunger will be minimal.
The right amount of healthy fats and protein can suppress your appetite in the best manner so that you avoid binge-eating on a regular basis.
Lowers triglycerides levels:
One of the biggest culprits which contribute largely to increased triglyceride levels is excess consumption of simple sugars and processed grains.
When you keep a close check on your carb consumption and moderate your fat intake, the triglycerides level in your bloodstream falls drastically.
On the other hand, low-fat diets often lead to a considerable rise in triglycerides level which takes a toll on your immunity and heart health over time.
Regulates blood sugar and insulin:
Ketogenic and low-carb diets work wonders to regulate blood sugar levels. This not just prevents the onset of diabetes but also keeps your health in check if already diagnosed.
However, if you’ve already been diagnosed and are using medications, ensure that you change your diet under medical supervision. Your medical provider is better able to tell you how to go about it depending on your condition and medical history.
Decrease heart disease:
A diet low in carbs is compensated by increasing your caloric fat intake. This, in turn, regulates your cholesterol by increasing your good cholesterol-HDL, and lowering bad cholesterol/LDL levels.
High triglycerides (a sub set of cholesterol) can choke up your arteries leading to cardiovascular disorders in the long run. A low-carb diet significantly reduces your chances of atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and heart attack or stroke.
How does a low-fat diet make you fatter?
As ironic as it may seem, a low-fat diet often leads to increased weight. This is due to the increased carbs consumed with this diet. In turn your body will crave carbs even more, which will end up being stored as fat.
Edible fat is categorized into 2 broad types: saturated and unsaturated. It is the saturated fats that are quite infamous for piling on unhealthy body weight.
These, if consumed in excess amounts, can even block your arteries and increase your chances of high cholesterol in the long run.
Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are direly needed by your body. Your vital system not only craves them but they also make up one of the most important nutrients that cannot be entirely skipped.
One of the most beneficial fatty acids, omega -3, is part of unsaturated fats and is highly recommended for a robust immunity, healthy skin and hair, and to impart anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties to your vital organs.
When you decide to skip consuming fats totally, the good and bad alike, your body gets into craving mode. It then induces unpredictable hunger pangs of sugar and unhealthy fats for immediate energy release which you lead you to consume excess fattening foods.
This is why when you start a strict diet suddenly, your body often gives up a few days later and you find yourself binge-eating a bag of chips or fries. It happens because your body craves even more the carbs you consume with a low-fat diet. Feed yourself healthy fats in the right amount, and you won’t ever have to worry about gaining fat ever again.
How can you switch over to a low-carb diet?
The first step is to cut down on simple carbs like sugars. In addition to being fattening, sugar is also quite detrimental to the immune system as well. Overconsumption of sugar also leads to premature ageing in the long run. Sugars aren’t satiating in the long run.
Here’s what you should be eating instead:
Green leafy veggies
Whole eggs, sprouts, pulses, and lean meat
Coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, Avocado oil.
Omega -3 fatty acids from salmon, tuna, and mackerel fish
Nuts and seeds (in moderation), chia seeds
Fruits like blueberries, avocados, and strawberries
Dark chocolate- unsweetened
Summing it up:
A low-carb diet is the safest yet most effective of all ways to start eating healthy and shed those extra kilos on yourself. It not only ensures a healthy weight loss process but also decreases inflammation and improves your immune system.
Reduces the intake of sugar and you will slow down ageing, reduce or eliminate cravings, decrease inflammation and improve your overall health. While you’re at it, remember to eat more proteins as well for building better muscle mass.
Back up your diet with an active lifestyle complete with a workout schedule and good sleep. You’ll soon be on your way to getting healthier and fitter.
We also have a Wellness Nutrition Program or LNP for short at WHN - for those that need more one-on-one counselling. Don't waste time call us Today!